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National Industrial Hemp Council
1775 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20006
The NIHC Verify program is operated by NIHC and takes the first step towards product safety and quality assurance. This program requires products to be tested in a lab that has passed a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification audit. The Verify program supports NIHC’s mission to promote testing transparency, standards protocol, consumer confidence, and ultimately product safety. NIHC has partnered with A2LA to provide a complete laboratory regulation base for North America. Learn more here.
NIHC has established a global laboratory directory in partnership with Global Data Vision ( to further promote transparency, regulatory compliance, and to provide consumers and customers the opportunity to review the labs that are testing hemp-related products. NIHC is the primary government-appointed organization promoting the safe production and use of hemp internationally through standards development, advocacy, research, and education. To learn more or to sign up for the NIHC Global Directory, please click here.
The NIHC Standards Committee is comprised of various subject matter experts within the hemp industry. From manufacturers to laboratories to farmers, this group helps to identify specific needs, and then develop industry-related standards, standard operating procedures, and other technical publications to help address the needs of all stakeholders in the hemp value chain. To join this group of experts, please email Lakshmy Mahon, NIHC Executive Vice President at