NIHC Traveling to NASDA to Seek State Regulator Feedback
NIHC continues our work to serve as a credible resource to government officials in developing sound, common-sense regulations of America’s hemp economy. As part of those efforts, we have continued to engage the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture on a range of issues that have the potential to be included in 2023 farm bill development and negotiations anticipated to begin as early as this fall.
Relating to this, and to language in FY22 Appropriations bill extending 2014 Farm Bill authorities for another year through 2022, NIHC has been asked by Senate Ag committee staff to solicit feedback and comments from state regulators. This will help them compile the comments on what is and isn’t working in their state hemp plans under the 2014 pilot authority and the 2018 authority, as implemented by the USDA Final Rule.
On September 18, NIHC staff and members of our Government Affairs committee will be attending the annual meeting of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) in Louisville, Kentucky. At NASDA’s meeting, NIHC will have a breakout room available to us to meet with individual states to hear their concerns and discuss proposed solutions. After NASDA’s annual meeting, NIHC will compile comments from state regulators and deliver them to Senate Ag committee staff.
This is a value-add to the hemp industry as a whole and NIHC is proud to lead these efforts and be your voice to the Senate Ag Committee, NASDA and the states that we believe will deliver workable solutions that will create a hemp economy that works for everyone.
If you plan to be at the NASDA meeting and would like to meet with NIHC to discuss how hemp is being regulated in your state, please contact Grace Johnson at so we can deliver your feedback to Washington and make sure your voice is heard on Capitol Hill.