2024 Hemp Canada Conference & Expo in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance annual conference & expo is November 11-13, 2024. NIHC will represent the US and discuss hemp resiliency through innovation and supply chain development.
The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) Conference is November 11-13, 2024, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The CHTA is involved with hemp as Food, Feed, Fiber, and Fractions.
A strong focus for this conference is resiliency, innovation, diversification, and the development of a sustainable international hemp supply chain. Patrick Atagi, CEO of NIHC will participate in discussions that highlight activities in the US hemp industry and how they relate to international trade.
During this 3-day event hemp leaders will examine the Canadian hemp industry in the past year and strategies to further growth of hemp and sustainability in the global market.
For more information on this conference go to: Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance Conference
To learn more about the role NIHC plays on the global stage in developing the US hemp industry go to: NIHC